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How do bug sprays and traps work?

Keep in mind, I am just sharing the reality here. Insecticides are created for a purpose. We all know that many insects carry all kinds of nasty realities with them. So… we need to keep them at bay. Just the same some people may not love what they hear. Most insecticides use natural sourced toxins that have multiple effects on bugs. Most commonly they are nervous system disruptors. These disruptors disable bugs more rapidly than simple toxins. They also are far safer and more effective than simple poisons.
Why are there so many insecticides?
That question is evident. Because there are so many types of bugs. The greater majority of bugs however can be eradicated with 2 or 3 products. Flying insects however require direct contact with insecticides. Hence the reason passive systems work so effectively. Fly lights capture and or zap flying insects and disable their ability to fly. Spray insecticides if nothing else keep flies away from your environment simply because they smell very toxic or bad to bugs. Metered spray units help with these challenges.
Residual insecticides eradicate bugs for periods of up to 60 days. How do they work? Exactly the same as contact insecticides. But they kill for a much longer period of time. They are best used to spray the perimeter of a room and about 16 inches up a door frame or opening as bugs will do anything, they can avoid contact. Remember when you use any insecticide that you need to keep pets from the area where they are used for a prescribed period of time outlined on the product label. Usually 6-8 hours. Bed bugs and cockroaches are only killed by residual insecticides. Their life cycle is such that they can often outlive insecticides that are not residual.
If you have fruit flies…. We have a super effective and safe and very natural solution. Most commonly fruit flies reproduce and inhabit sink drains. The easiest way to keep them under control is to add a small amount of Bio Magic to your drain every day or two at the end of your day. one ounce is all it takes!
Remember we are just a phone call away. If you are uncertain or you need clarification for the product that you are using. We have plenty of information. If we can’t answer you immediately, we can gather definitive answers to your question/s. Our website address is: and you can always reach us by email: or 1 800.661.3259

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